Fall Meeting: October 18-19 2024 at the Library of Congress

We are delighted to announce a joint meeting of the MLA Atlantic Chapter and the AMS Capital Chapter October 18-19, 2024 at the Library of Congress! In addition to engaging presentations by AtMLA and AMS-CC members, there will be a display of Music Division treasures, an option to tour the beautiful and historic Jefferson Building, and a (free!) concert that kicks off the Library’s 100th anniversary concert series—Eddie Palmieri leading a jazz sextet.

We warmly invite you to attend the meeting. Please register no later than Monday, September 9, using this form.

See Fall 2024 Meeting Accommodations for information on staying in DC and getting around.

The program is listed below; please find abstracts at Fall 2024 Meeting Abstracts.

Please contact Lisa at lshiota@umd.edu if you have any questions.





Friday, October 18


10:00am – 11:00am

Tour of Jefferson Building (optional, registration required)

LC docents

Jefferson Building

11:30am – 1:00pm


Program Committee members

outside Dining Room A, Madison Building


Show and Tell (concurrent)

Music Division Staff

West Dining Room

1:00pm – 1:15pm

Welcome, opening remarks

Janet, LC Music Division Chief Susan Vita,

Dining Room A

1:15pm – 2:00pm

Concerts from the Library of Congress at 100: A Study in Sustainable Philanthropy and Engagement

Asst. Chief Nick Brown, Music Division Staff


2:00pm – 2:15pm



Session 1


2:15pm – 2:45pm

A Novel Approach to Student-Led Research through Collaboration between Musicologists and University Archives

Elizabeth Massey, Ben Jackson


2:45pm – 3:15pm

Breadcrumb Trails Through Early American Musical Theater: Archival Resources and Children’s Theater in Victor Herbert’s Babes in Toyland (1903)

Virginia Christy Lamothe


3:15pm – 3:45pm

Schism or Continuation? Gendered Narratives in the Construction of Minimalism in Print, 1973–1999

Elizabeth Busch


3:45pm – 4:00pm



4:00pm – 5:00pm

Boulanger Initiative presentation

Boulanger Initiative


5:00pm – 6:30pm

Dinner (headcount needed)




Concert – Eddie Palmieri jazz (free, tickets required)


Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building


Saturday, October 19


8:30am – 9:00am

Breakfast (optional – sponsored by AMS)


Dining Room A, Madison Building

Session 2


9:00am – 9:30am

OpenRefine for Music Librarians and Researchers

Emily Baumgart


9:30am – 10:00am

Subscription Lists, Concert Notices, and Musical Clues: Reconstructing Elizabeth Turner’s Mid-Eighteenth-Century Musical Network

Paula Maust


10:00am – 10:30am

“Deep River” and the Development of the Solo Concert Spiritual

Randye Jones


10:30am – 10:40am



Session 3


10:40am – 11:10am

Longing for Freedom: Gendered Madness in Kate Soper’s Voices from the Killing Jar

Jacob LaBarge


11:10am – 11:40am

Crawl, Don’t Run: How Web Archives Support Contemporary Music Research

Melissa Wertheimer


11:40am – 1:10pm

Business Meetings (lunch provided by AtMLA)


Dining Room A and West Dining Room

Session 4


1:10pm – 1:40pm

Elevating diverse voices: a workshop on improving discovery for music from historically excluded composers

Kathleen DeLaurenti and Kirk-Evan Billet


1:40pm – 2:10pm

Poochie’s Missing Chronicle: The Lost History of Richmond Jazz

Scott Gray Douglass


2:10pm – 2:20pm



Session 5


2:20pm – 2:50pm

Why Can’t I Search by Instrumentation?: Results from a Survey of Performers

Christina Taylor Gibson, Adam Zukowski, Michael Diener


2:50pm – 3:20pm

“More Possibility for Ecstasy”: Forging a Musical Voice in John Adams’s 1976-77 Journal

William Robin


3:20pm – 3:50pm

Closing remarks/adjournment